Trending Faith: Who Leads in a Romantic Relationship?

"trending faith" with a cross

College of Theology Dean Dr. Jason Hiles and GCU Pastor Tim Griffin sat down for this week’s Trending Faith to answer the question: “What does leadership look like in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?”

“The book of Proverbs ends on a very interesting passage about a very strong woman; she’s not strong in a masculine way, but in a feminine way,” Dr. Hiles said.

“I encourage my daughter [by saying], ‘Learn how to cultivate that strength within yourself and make sure you find a young man who will love that about you and give you the liberty and freedom to express that and to essentially complement who he is.’ Anyone who is afraid of that is not going to be a good leader or wise leader.”

Hear more of the answers from Dr. Hiles and Pastor Tim by watching the full video.

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